

How to Cite
Labèque, Marcelo Horacio. 2014. “Henry Duméry and the Sacredness of History”. Franciscanum 56 (161):129-49. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.757.
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Following the steps of the French phenomenologist Henry
Duméry, It is pursued to identify the particularities of what have been called before the «historical sacred», in the most general frame of a «morphology of sacred». In that sense it is intended to demonstrate that the originality of the experience and configuration of the sacred, in both Jewish and Christian religion, comes out from a transformation of cosmic archaic experiences and points of view, leading into a new way of sacred that gives to historical events and persons the main soteriological weight. Moreover, integrating in that new way the older and even universal experiences and forms, those religions achieved the paradoxical formula of universal salvation given in the particular history of a sacred human group (Israel) or person (Jesus of Nazareth).



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