

How to Cite
Rocha de la Torre, Alfredo. 2014. “Heidegger: The Introduction of National Socialism into Philosophy? A Countercurrent Reflection”. Franciscanum 56 (162):19-49. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.781.
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The «political question» in Heidegger has been mainly addressed
in two ways: a) the historical and documentary study of his life and
work; b) the conceptual confrontation of National Socialism ideology
with the thought of the philosopher. On this basis it has even been
suggested that the Heideggerian reflection is an introduction of
Nazism into philosophy. This article discusses such claim and
argues that the reflection on the present (Heidegger´s criticism
of the predominance of calculating, unilateral and comprehensive
thinking, and his emphasis on reflective thinking), allows us to
delineate the true «political dimension» of the Heideggerian



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