

How to Cite
Palomar Torralbo, Agustín. 2014. “Philía As Particular Phenomenological Research of Practical Knowledge in Aristotle: Meaning and Foundation”. Franciscanum 56 (162):51-73. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.785.
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Aristotelian philía can be characterized as the virtue that, by perfecting the virtue of justice, it makes the constitution of the political community possible from the multiplicity of ethical relationships amongst citizens. Before explaining how the constitution of philía is carried out in its various forms, it is necessary to set the limits and the sense of this term according to Aristotle’s practical knowledge and also its ontology. For this purpose, we must distinguish the term philía from terms such as: érōs, eúnoia y homónoia. Moreover, this particular investigation is framed within the general context of Aristotelian practical philosophy and points out how the description of the philía must come from experience guided by the virtue. Finally, the rightful place within the Aristotelian categories is explored.



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