

How to Cite
Huete, Felipe Martín. 2014. “The Concept of Rational Theodicy in the Thought of Peter L. Berger”. Franciscanum 56 (162):75-106. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.786.
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The theodicy appears as a psychological-social dimension of the religious legitimization and of the marginal experiences that constant threaten the man. This religious legitimization comes to realize a labor of integration between the power to explain and the power to justify the situations anómicas of the human experience. The integration of such events anómicos in the collectivities does that the individual finds <a place> inside the general scheme. It is what Berger tries to analyze under the called one <failure of the theodicy>. It is estimated here how the marginal situations of social or natural origin, while justified depending on a few goals or human or divine reasons, they lose his existential and rational character



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