

How to Cite
Inverso, Hernán Gabriel. 2013. “From E. Husserl to J. L. Marion: Donation and Limits of Phenomenology”. Franciscanum 55 (159):127-54. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.822.
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This article studies the French reception done by Derrida and
Marion in relation to Heidegger’s treatment of the extent and limits of phenomenology. This perspective begins with the problem of the possibility of the gift and its relationship to reduction as a phenomenological strategy. First, we present a brief exposition of the elements within the heideggerian proposal that emerged in later views. We study the thesis of J. Derrida about the impossibility of the gift, paying special attention to his criticism about husserlian «annihilation» and heideggerian «hope» as a mechanism to redefine the logic of the gift, and the thesis of J. L. Marion, who rejects the deconstructionist position and proposes a reduction mechanism from the gift to donation. This allows us to achieve a comprehensive evaluation of this theoretical route and its reactions in relation to current projections of the discipline.



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