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Roldán, Alberto Fernando. 2013. “Faith As Existential-Eschatological Event in the Thought of Rudolf Bultmann. From the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger to the Theological Approach”. Franciscanum 55 (160):165-94. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.835.
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In this paper we analyze the proposition that the theologian
Rudolf Bultmann made on the subject of faith. We describe the mutual influences between Martin Heidegger and Bultmann from specially developed joint work in Marburg in 1923 and 1924. The author shows that, although Heidegger’s existential philosophy represented an important influence to Bultmann, the latter develops a more theological approach that characterizes faith as an existential and eschatological event that requires a decision on the part of the listener. Bultmann also remains faithful to its Lutheran heritage to take away the anthropological approach of existentialism, stating the total character of the fall of man that makes him unfit to achieve for itself «real life» dimension can be realized only by through faith in Christ crucified. The latter is for Bultmann the real scandal of the Gospel and not the «fake scandal» of the pre-scientific vision of the New Testament kerygma. This research aims to demonstrate that demythologizing, which becomes an insurmountable hurdle for many readers of Bultmann, was just a method to facilitate faith in the gospel by modern man. Consequently, to paraphrase Immanuel Kant, Bultmann seems to say: «I had to let go of the myth to give rise to faith».



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