

How to Cite
Herrera Gil, Guillermo L. 2013. “The Human Suffering As a Possibility for Faith under the Reality of hiv/Aids”. Franciscanum 55 (160):195-217. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.836.
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The reality of hiv/aids has surpassed the limits of health to
become an existential and ethical issue. The questions are no longer generated only medical or scientific nature, its particularity has become a true lifestyle: it’s not just a concern for those who die of aids but, above all, for those living with this reality. The conclusions presented here provide answers to the general objective of this research: to analyze the suffering in the reality of hiv/aids, to interpret the extent provided new elements, such as faith and ability to contribute to the renewal of theological anthropology content. The research sought, rather than a therapeutic diagnosis, personal analysis, interior and subjective experiences of those who, directly or indirectly, must deal every day with this new existential reality. hiv/aids, unlike other human suffering leads man to live again. This new perspective also demands a new attitude: it is not inevitable that afflicts and eats in a matter of weeks or months, which annihilates bows and psychological and physical forces. It is rather a reality that accompanies a spur call to ignite a life of zest for life.



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