

How to Cite
Vélez Caro, Olga Consuelo. 2012. “From Almighty God to ‘the Humility of God.’ A Reflection on Evolution in Kenotic Perspective”. Franciscanum 54 (157):19-50. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.838.
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In front of the modern understanding of the universe like process in evolution, Christians wonder about how to articulate the image of almighty God with the scientific developments. This article intents to answer it by proposing the divine kenosis as a starting point to talk about a humble, self-limited God; a God supportive with the suffering inherent to the evolution; so that his creator-action becomes compatible with the evolutionary process of the cosmos with respect to its own autonomy and making possible an experience of faith, by considering the scientific advances to discover the theological aspects involved within them. The last part of this article is about kenosis and gender perspective because it is important to recover the meaning of kenosis as donation and love but that it is not synonymous of a destructive self-sacrifice, especially from women. The Christological and Trinitarian kenosis are ways to approximate to the divine plan of salvation of recapitulating all things in Christ.



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