

How to Cite
Pérez Andreo, Bernardo. 2012. “Messianic Time: Lévinas ‘beyond’ the Logos”. Franciscanum 54 (157):203-29. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.847.
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Certain “lack” is in Lévinas’s thought. To see her supposes going
beyond the Greek logos, logos from which the Frenchman could not
go out, it is why he remained enclosed inside the same logic of the
western barbarism that his thought was trying to destroy. We want to place the time as exitus towards the other; exitus that becomes exile in the same moment that the time is thought from the dimension of past, like in the Judaism, or future, as in the Christianity. The correct comprehension of the time that born from the Other is the present, the Messianic time.



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