

How to Cite
Villa Sánchez, José Alfonso. 2012. “The Transcendental Order in Zubiri”. Franciscanum 54 (158):19-51. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.881.
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The topic of order of the transcendental aspect in the being, as
well as the the structure of the transcendental ones, kept on tenterhooks the act of thinking about philosophy and theology, in the Middle Ages. Xavier Zubiri is known as an inheritor of this tradition; but also known as an inheritor of the Husserl’s phenomenology and Heidegger’s fundamental and hermeneutic ontology. Opposite to the tradition, and to Heidegger’s, Zubiri affirms himself on the preeminence of the moment of reality respect to the things’ moment to be. This preeminence of reality respect to the being, modifies the transcendental order itself since it assigns it to reality and not to the being; so that it is required the transcendental order and its structure to be constructed differently from the way the tradition did, parting from the horizon of the being. In this text we gather and expose the problem on the transcendental order in Zubiri’s philosophy, confront this problem with the philosophy of the tradition transcendental ones’, in order to stop in some of the knots that appear at the moment of realizing the transcendental order and, in some cases, to see some solution. In the twilights of the philosophical investigation, the transcendental order and its structure preserve both its problematic and open character.



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