

How to Cite
Baron del Popolo, Guillermo, Manuel Cuervo Sola, and Victoria Martínez Espínola. 2012. “Latin-American Otherness and People As Subject in Enrique Dussel’s Early Work”. Franciscanum 54 (158):141-64. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.886.
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The following article intends an overview on Enrique Dussel’s early work and the examination of the development process of political and philosophical categories such as the ones of “Latin American identity / otherness”; “Latin-American thought” and political and historical subjects. The corpus covered in this study includes the author’s anthropological-philosophical research on the origins and fundamentals of the western culture (Christianity) as they appear in the trilogy: El humanismo semita, El humanismo helénico and El dualismo en la antropología de la Cristiandad; the first development of otherness and analectic and the proposition of a new political subject (pueblo) in Método para una filosofía de la liberación and Para una ética de la liberación latinoamericana. A review of the first author’s historiographical experiences is included as well by the study of his book: Hipótesis para una historia de la Iglesia en América Latina.



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