

How to Cite
Amestoy, Norman Rubén. 2011. “Protestantism, Piety and Ethics”. Franciscanum 53 (155):43-74. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.896.
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In this article, it is considered the need to understand protestantism in terms of piety, since this is from which derives its ideology, its ethics, and its comprehension of society. When analizing the relation of the theological thought regarding contextual derivations, it is shown that the “protestant principle” that emerged from the Reformation in the XVI Century in the period known as “the Long Middle Ages,” it meant a form of protest that questioned, in an incisive way, the European christianity, since the Catholic church was challenged as a dominant institution and structurer of society’s habits and customs. However, even if the protestant reformation contained elements undeniably disfunctional in relation to medieval times, it was a renewal of the medieval spirit. It was necessary to look forward to the appearance of the Puritan movement with its comprehension of predestination and the divine order; so that a protestant ethics could appear with all of its strength, being capable of contributing to the emergence of capitalism and modern world.



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