

How to Cite
Beuchot, Mauricio. 2011. “The Analogical Hermeneutics Within the Multidisciplinarity of Human Sciences”. Franciscanum 53 (155):127-44. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.899.
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In this article, it is intended to carry out an application of the hermeneutics to the human sciences interdisciplinarity. Specifically, an analogical hermeneutics is used, that permits to avoid the
extremes of both the univocal hermeneutics, which is too closed, and the equivocal hermeneutics, too open. It is about the hermeneutics to help those disciplines to cooperate each one since the specificity of its object, and with the unity it can provide to them, despite the difference of methods, the humanist or anthropological perspective; that means, the projection of its research towards the human being. This is the orienting pole that organizes these disciplines’ work.



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