

How to Cite
Barrios Tao, Hernando. 2010. “Del Sacrificio De ‘Abrahán’ Al Sacrificio De Su ‘descendencia’: Exégesis Y teología Narrativa Del Sacrificio En Génesis 22,1-19”. Franciscanum 52 (153):15-55. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.933.
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The article is a proposal of exegesis and narrative theology of Gn 22:-19,
starting from three categories of narratology: narrator, characters, reader. The
former marks the path and offers the keys to the interpretation of the story
in its final form. The characters are the channel through which the narrator
directs his message and, finally, the reader is who has the competence not
only to perform the work hermeneutics of the text (implied reader), but to
update it in the new contexts (real reader).



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