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Laurence Bonilla, Jaime. 2010. “Cuestiones epistemológicas De teología (verificación Y falsación). Lectura crítica Y Creyente Desde El Racionalismo crítico”. Franciscanum 52 (153):97-126. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.935.
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The epistemological statute of a science accounts for the contents and procedures which enable access to knowledge. Theology, as well as any other science, has an epistemological statute raised and questioned by theologians of all ages and, not rarely, with questions and contributions from other sciences. Apart from the discussion on the scientificity of theology, this article examines the epistemological statute of theology in the light of the encounter or disencounter with verificationism and falsationism, within the framework of critical rationalism. Likewise, the following reflective appropriations give an account of the implicit and explicit relationship between theology and philosophy that, in permanent dialogue, can continue to enrich theological work. And, finally, an approach to 20th Century Anglo Saxon philosophy of religion resumes statements from verificationism and critical rationalism as horizons to the questioning of actions and affirmations of believers. From this point of view, theology has much to rethink, learn, and say.



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