

How to Cite
Guacaneme, Juan Pablo. 2010. “Orígenes Y simbología De Lo Sagrado En El Pensamiento De Rudolf Otto”. Franciscanum 52 (153):275-308. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.940.
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The Holy or the Sacred is identified as a philosophical, psychological, theological and scientific (as in neurotheology) category. Although it has turned into an important issue for the theoretical structure of these epistemologies, its origin is far from being a rational discourse and is closer to irrational intuitions. From Otto´s identification of the Holy as the Mysterium Tremens et Fascinans and from Kant’s epistemology, the Sacred is described as experience of the sublime. The language used when referring to the Sacred is not a construction but an emanation. Since this language does not seek to conceptualize but to represent in a ritual way, this is why it should be considered as a symbol: it does not pretend to show an objective event, but to bind and experience with a subjective intuition.



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