

How to Cite
Avenatti de Palumbo, Cecilia Inés. 2010. “The Universe As an Aesthetic and Dramatic Epiphany in the Hymn of the Universe of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin”. Franciscanum 52 (154):151-66. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.946.
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Evolution makes us think once again on the criteria with which
we refer to the beauty of nature. After its discovery, the cosmic spatial dimension has been extended towards unsuspected contours for the irruption of the brutal, the fragmentary or the material as divine epiphanic spaces. This gives the aesthetic figure a dramatic dimension which had not been noticed in all its expressive potentiality. This is where the epiphany of the divine emerges in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Hymn of the Universe, one of the few texts reedited and recently translated and published in Spanish.



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