

How to Cite
Corpas de Posada, Isabel. 2009. “Theological Approach to Religious Recomposition in Bogotá, Colombia”. Franciscanum 51 (152):17-47. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.952.
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A theological approach of survey conducted by Universidad de San Buenaventura’s “Political, Religious and Social Diversity Observatory”. Survey data are reviewed in the first part of the paper, underlining the significant number of believers (92.9%) and the still large number of Catholics (83.4% of believers). In the second part, these data are reviewed from the theological point of view, with the purpose of identifying religious recomposition and its causes, the reasons for agnosticism and atheism, as well as for migration from traditional religions, such as Catholicism and Protestantism, to new religious movements (NRMs).



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