

How to Cite
Vargas Guillén, Germán. 2009. “Surplus and Saturation: Phenomenology of the Absence and Presence of God”. Franciscanum 51 (152):181-204. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.956.
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This article begins by examining the range of the phenomenology of the phenomenon of God; then it poses three questions: 1. Can one use the term “The Theological Turn” to represent a characteristically French Phenomenology? 2. In the transcendental-phenomenological perspective, can one accept a continuity between Husserl’s and Heidegger’s theories of giveness? 3. Is God subject for transcendental phenomenology? Finally, we present a discussion concerning: 4. the place of the Idea of God and religious experience in transcultural dialog.



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