ISSN: 0120-1468

ISSNe: 2665-3834

Frequency: Semiannual
Editor: Dr. Jaime Laurence Bonilla Morales, ORCID:, Google Scholar:

Description: Franciscanum, was founded in 1959 and is currently managed by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of San Buenaventura, Bogotá. This biannual publication presents preferably original texts research results at national and international academic community, emerging from reflection of philosophical and theological areas, and similar topics, that encourage critical and creative capacity, and generate research, teaching and contextual impact.

Open call to receive articles in the Franciscanum Magazine



Articles will be accepted permanently with two cut-off dates: mid-June (eventual publication in the first issue of the following year) and mid-December (eventual publication in the second issue of the following year).

That is, until December 15, 2020 we will receive articles for their eventual publication in the Franciscanum 176 magazine (July-December 2021).

"Editorial 181 enero junio 2024"

"Editorial 181 enero junio 2024"

Peñaranda Quintana Mario Andrés, Púa Mora Franklin Giovanni

Article Visits 57 | PDF Visits 25

1-10 |

El valor de la reflexión filosófica para el misticismo

El valor de la reflexión filosófica para el misticismo

Perez-Lasserre Diego

Article Visits 48 | PDF Visits 34

1-26 |

Didactics and Teaching of Philosophy: Comparative Analysis of literature reviews 1990-2022

Didáctica y enseñanza de la filosofía en el globo. Análisis comparativo de estados del arte 1990-2022

Prieto Galindo Fredy Hernán

Article Visits 45 | PDF Visits 28

1-38 |

Influjo del cristianismo en el concepto antiguo de trabajo

Influjo del cristianismo en el concepto antiguo de trabajo

Mira Iborra Manuel

Article Visits 40 | PDF Visits 22

Metaphors about the death of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark and in the New Testament

La muerte de Jesús: una constelación de metáforas

Londoño Betancur Juan Esteban

Article Visits 48 | PDF Visits 28

Análise da relação intertextual entre Is 52,13-53,12 e Mc 14,24//Mt 26,28 para uma melhor compreensão do pro multis

Análise da relação intertextual entre Is 52,13-53,12 e Mc 14,24//Mt 26,28 para uma melhor compreensão do pro multis

Brandão de Oliveira Samuel

Article Visits 126 | PDF Visits 34

1-44 |

Tendencias en la investigación teológica latinoamericana

Tendencias en la investigación teológica latinoamericana

Gómez Erazo Manuel David, Toro-Jaramillo Ivan-Darío, Gonzaga Waldecir

Article Visits 136 | PDF Visits 70

1-42 |

Divine intervention and the Renewal of Judah-Jerusalem: Study of Zc 12,1–13,6

La intervención divina y la renovación de Judá-Jerusalén: estudio de Zc 12,1-13,6

Corrêa Lima Maria de Lourdes, Brandão de Oliveira Samuel, da Silveira Siqueira Fabio, Ferreira Belem Doaldo

Article Visits 140 | PDF Visits 75

1-44 |

Viviendo la gracia bautismal: Reflexiones desde el pasaje de Lc. 20, 45 - 21, 6

Viviendo la gracia bautismal: Reflexiones desde el pasaje de Lc. 20, 45 - 21, 6

Casallas Colorado Diana Milena, Muriel Mejía Juan David

Article Visits 44 | PDF Visits 44

1-38 |

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