

How to Cite
Ramírez Bonilla, Gerardo, Pilar Tatiana Gómez Bohórquez, and Carolina Ramírez Sánchez. 2020. “Franciscan Thought in the Processes of Institutional Self-Evaluation”. Franciscanum 62 (174):1-23. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4328.
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As a result, the study of the contributions of Franciscan thought in the processes of institutional self-evaluation of the Universidad de San Bueanventura, Bogotá, is analyzed from a phenomenological-hermeneutical perspective. In the first instance, the Franciscan thought will be approached as an element that transverse the substantive functions and all those activities that promote quality assurance and continuous improvement of higher education. Secondly, it describes the meanings and opinions on the system of institutional self-evaluation in the different agents of the Bonaventurian academic community in the campus of Bogota. Finally, it will be recognized how the institutional philosophy is materialized in the processes of self-evaluation within the framework of the processes of accreditation in order to provide significant elements for improvement plans.



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