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Solano Pinzón, Orlando. 2020. «Peacebuilding Like a Tuner of Interreligious Dialogue in Colombia». Franciscanum 62 (173):1-18. https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.4669.
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This paper seeks to propose the peacebuilding as an activity that favors and facilitates interreligious dialogue in Colombia. The eradication of symbolic violence requires the collaborative work of all citizens and institutions, particularly the religious institution. Religions and their organizations have legal constitutional conditions, which recognize, respect and promote freedom of religion and worship, against which they are expected to continue making a significant contribution to peacebuilding. The golden rule, which is part of the reservation of meaning, present in each of them, can serve as an inspiration to take decisions that lead to the social transformation that peacebuilding requires.


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