

How to Cite
Ramírez Ramos, A. C., & Reyes Garzón, J. A. (2015). The importance of the international code of ethics in the accounting profession: colombian context in the internationalization process. Revista Gestión & Desarrollo, 10(1), 183–193. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235834.627
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Codes of ethics are a set of rules and parameters that establish the behavior of individuals in a particular social group. The society has trusted in the conduct of professional accountants under the commitment to fully implement the principles of the code of ethics of their profession in the public interest and in a high quality work. IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) is an organization representing worldwide professional accountants and proposes to standardize the international code of ethics and international conduct to guide the quality of professional practice. In Colombia, the Central Board of Accountants normalizes the code of ethics of professional accountant in the Law 43 of 1990. The process of convergence to international accounting standards (Law 1314, 2009) proposes the adoption of accounting standards IAS and IFRS and auditing standards ISAs. In the internationalization of accounting it is cleared that the standards of the code of ethics and conduct of the IFAC as a global standard for presentation of financial information were taken into account. A comparative is shown between the rules to deduce potential advantages and disadvantages in application.



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