

How to Cite
González Rodríguez, C. E. (2015). The efficiency in municipal management and spatial uneven development. Revista Gestión & Desarrollo, 9(1), 13–25. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235834.630
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Through a spatial analysis, this article answers the following question: what is the relationship between municipal management with spatial  uneven development? The results shown here correspond to the first phase of a research that relates the variables that determine the difference in the quality of life in the Colombian space. The paper provides an overview of economic development measured by several welfare indicators, which are contrasted with the general municipal performance through specific indicators for its evaluation and measurement. Afterwards, when these data are raised to georeferencing levels, it is found relations and spatial patterns of agglomeration which contribute to the debate on the effects of decentralization and institutional efficiency in the welfare of the communities in a specific territory. Evidence suggests that a better performance in the allocation of resources and the efficient production of goods and services to communities, set prosperous neighborhoods in the Colombian sub space.



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