

How to Cite
Murcia Zorrilla, C. P., & Guzmán Duque, A. P. (2015). Technological innovation: competitive mechanism for a cluster creation in the metal-mechanic sector in the municipalities of Cali and Yumbo. Revista Gestión & Desarrollo, 9(1), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235834.631
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Today, organizations are concerned about competitiveness, given its importance in productivity increasing and costs reducing. Porter (1991) stated that the conditions of demand, competition, strategies, business structures, industry competitiveness and supporting industries, coordinated among themselves, encourage the creation of a cluster of companies that are subcontracted and services that support them. This article is the result of a research carried out in the metal-mechanic sector –spare parts subsector- in the municipalities of Cali and Yumbo, in which the opportunity of developing a cluster around the development of collaborative projects between companies is evident, establishing entrepreneurs training programs in innovation and marketing. This allows them to enter to the world of global competitiveness and to contribute to the productive improving of different regions. On the other hand, associated to competitiveness is the specialization of tasks to improve the productivity of regions. This is increased through the companies’ organizational incentive and technological innovation, mechanisms to leverage the shared knowledge of entrepreneurs. The aforementioned evidences that innovation is a competitive factor that facilitates the implementation of a cluster in the region.



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