

How to Cite
Román Muñoz, O. H., Arbeláez Ordóñez, G., & Patiño Vargas, C. A. (2015). Integral management from a strategic planning model perspective. Revista Gestión & Desarrollo, 9(1), 51–78. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235834.633
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This article is the product of the research results of the project “Organizational climate of food processing companies in Cali,” which seeks to implement competitive strategies that added to the experience in business consulting of the authors allow, first, to design a strategic planning model that provides a holistic view of management by involving internal conditions and external pressures; secondly, to visualize the company as a complex whole with multiple interactions and influences and, thirdly, to think strategically to achieve goals with commitment and support of human staff from the organization. It is a model that proposes to change the mindset of linear thinking to give opening to a new way of thinking about the organization based on two-way communication, which needs to be analyzed, interpreted and put into application in order to give clarity to the competitive strategy, to work based on a mission, a vision and shared values, defining an appropriate organizational structure and generating a change-oriented organizational culture, all of which ensures a solid and continuing success, founded on excellent customer service and optimum products quality through a permanent value creation.



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