

How to Cite
Moreno, E., & López Martínez, J. (2015). Main findings in the process of financial decision making in small clothing companies from Cali. Revista Gestión & Desarrollo, 9(1), 123–133. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235834.636
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The textile and dressmaking chain is one of the most dynamic industries and tradition in economic history in the country. Since the early twentieth century, companies in this sector have been stimulating the economic and social development. This industrial activity is characterized by its leading role in job creation, economic growth and export activity. However, in recent years the sector has had great difficulties, especially due to smuggling and unfair trade practices such as dumping. Meanwhile, the dressmaking subsector has been affected by mports of used clothing from the United States and trademark piracy, factors that have diminished their competitiveness. The results obtained in this work have given the opportunity to understand the origin of financial decisions made by small women clothing manufacturer business from Cali. Some can be summarized as follows: although the small clothing manufacturer turns to a few sources of financial information (especially the income statement), it guides its financial decisions preferably with its empiricism and own experience; its financial information sources are not rigorous or systematic; on the contrary, they are very punctual.



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