
The Revista Guillermo de Ockham is a peer-reviewed Ibero-American scientific publication in the human sciences, available in open access, whose purpose is to be a channel of disciplinary communication of original and unpublished writings or texts, derived from research projects or processes that provide evidence to respond to current problems or needs of man and the society in which he is inserted.

Thematic focus

The journal revolves around the humanities. From the Latin humanitas, humanitatis, which refer to a set of knowledge or disciplines that relate to man, his culture and how it shapes him. In this sense, for the Revista Guillermo de Ockham, the humanities are a body of knowledge that allows conceptualizing, albeit in a somewhat polysemic way, what is understood by man from his essence, condition and human nature, whether from the philosophical, anthropological, psychological, theological, sociological, historical, political, pedagogical or artistic and literary aspects. These conceptualizations make possible an approach to man, as a moral subject and even as a species -given the advances in technology, biotechnology, genetics, and engineering- with a view to the improvement and transformation of his nature, thanks to multidisciplinary views that, on occasions, favor interdisciplinarity, rigor and objectivity, in the face of the question of what is human.

Target audience

Professionals, researchers, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, and public interest in the advances and thematic discussions in the humanities.

Definition of author

Creator of unpublished writings or articles derived from scientific or literary analysis, or research projects or processes in areas and topics related to the humanities.

Types of articles

The Revista Guillermo de Ockham publishes scientific articles derived from original research papers, review papers, and reflection papers that discuss current problems or needs and offer alternative solutions or ways to understand, discuss, and build knowledge. For more details, see Guide for authors.

Documents not eligible for publication

Proceedings of events, papers, bibliographies, institutional bulletins, obituaries, translations, or documents already published in printed format, in repositories, on the web or in any digital media, opinion columns, case reports, abstracts or articles on subjects other than the humanities and social sciences will not be published.

Proposal review process

Proposal reviews are managed through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), starting with the evaluation of the proposals in light of the submission review policy of the journal. Manuscripts that pass this stage are sent to external double-blind peer reviewers. If the evaluations are positive, the authors are notified so that they can proceed with the corrections indicated by their peers. If the evaluations are negative, the process ends with rejection. For more details, see Editorial process.

Contingencies for similarities and coincidences

The papers submitted to the journal are reviewed by the Turnitin anti-plagiarism program to safeguard copyrights, preserve quality and promote ethics in scientific publications.. The percentage of similarity is only a reference data point in relation to other published documents, and it is not understood as plagiarism. In this sense, it will be the editorial committee who, with prior analysis of this information, will determine the rejection or continuity of the process. This decision, which may be appealed, will be notified, with its respective similarity report, by the editor to the authors. Authors should inform the editor if the articles were previously reviewed by a similarity checking program and deposited or stored in its repository, as some platforms keep records of the reports in their databases. The recommendation is to set up the program so that the reviews are without deposit to avoid confusion, delays, or possible rejections.

Peer review

Every article that complies with editorial policy undergoes a double-blind evaluation, where neither authors nor peers know their identities, by two or more external peers. This method reduces the probability of bias (e.g., based on gender, country of origin, academic background, publication history, author prestige, etc.). The peer reviewers are experts in the article's subject matter, with doctoral or master’s degree training, active in research, and extensive scientific output. These reviewers must declare that they have no conflicts of interest and abide by the journal's editorial policy. For more details, see Revision policy.

Ethical policy

Scientific publishing has an important social commitment. Therefore, the Revista Guillermo de Ockham will demand that research complies with quality standards, and, in turn, it will ensure that publishing processes are carried out with transparency. It will also ensure the ethical declarations of authors, their conflicts of interest, compliance with authorship criteria, and respect for intellectual property rights. The journal follows the guidelines of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). For more details, see Code of ethics.

Format, language, and periodicity

The Revista Guillermo de Ockham is published online, and it carries out its editorial processes through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), a platform in which content is available in PDF and HTML (after XML Jast markup). It receives articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, regardless of the authors' origin or place of origin. It is published every six months.

Open access

Anyone who wants to access the content of the Revista Guillermo de Ockham can do so immediately, without registration, subscription, or payment requirements. The journal is committed to the dissemination of research results with open access to have a positive impact on society, respond to current problems and needs, and facilitate discussion on the progress of science.

Creative Commons

The journal allows its articles to be shared in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This type of license is governed by the following terms:

Assignment agreement

Authors who publish in the Revista Guillermo de Ockham must sign the assignment of copyright to the Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali. The editorial team will ensure that their names and affiliations are clearly and precisely located in the article and are kept as such in all metadata, with clear respect for moral rights.

Online preservation

The journal preserves its information through the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). It also makes backup copies periodically and keeps them in external servers, according to the security protocols established by the Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali.

Uniform Resource Identifiers

The journal assigns, through the OJS platform, to each published paper its respective DOI, which is activated thanks to the membership with Crossref.

Research data and reproducibility

The journal plans to implement a platform or system for the publication of research data in the future. However, we invite authors to share their data and any other type of material used in research projects, such as methods, software, code, and algorithms, among others, that allow reproducibility. Data are those results derived from observations or experiments that validate the research findings; they do not include text in the form of a paper or published materials (supplements or annexes). Reproducibility, on the other hand, has to do with the possibility of repeating the same results found by an investigation.

As deemed necessary, the editor may ask the authors for the research data to be reviewed by the peer reviewers. In this sense, we expect from the authors their full willingness and cooperation to move forward with the review process when required. Currently, our journal publishes the following note in the final version of the paper: "Data availability. All relevant data can be found in the paper. For further information, please contact the corresponding author".


The journal allows authors to self-archive published articles, that have completed all the editing processes, in institutional and thematic repositories or personal web pages. It is requested that in each place where the self-archiving is found, a direct link to the journal is left, the corresponding credits are given and the metadata of the article is handled correctly.

Editorial board and financial model

The Revista Guillermo de Ockham is financed by the Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali, a non-profit institution of higher education. The journal does not require authors to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC), but rather expects active participation in the processes of editing, dissemination, and diffusion of its contents.