

How to Cite
Rabenu, E., & Yaniv, E. (2017). Psychological resources and strategies to cope with stress at work. International Journal of Psychological Research, 10(2), 8–14. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.2698
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Introduction: the choice of strategies to cope with stress has differential effects on individual and organizational
outcomes (e.g. well-being and performance at work). This study examined to what extent individuals differing in
their positive psychological resources (optimism, hope, self-efficacy and resilience) implement different strategies
to cope with stress in terms of change, acceptance, or withdrawal from a source of stress in an organizational
Method: A questionnaire was filled out by 554 employees from different organizations representing a wide range
of jobs and positions.
Results: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM; c2(7) = 27:64, p < :01, GFI = :99, NFI = :91, CFI = :93,
RMSEA = :07)
Conclusion: the results indicated that psychological resources (optimism, hope, self-efficacy and resilience) were
positively related to coping by change and by acceptance and negatively related to withdrawal. The theoretical
implications are discussed.



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