

How to Cite
Cuartas Arias, J. M. (2015). Cannabis: challenges between legislation and cognitive competence. International Journal of Psychological Research, 8(1), 8–9. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.652
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Marihuana (Cannabis) is the most consumed illicit drug worldwide. By 2013, 180,6 million people, that is 3.9 % of the world population consumed the substance, within a wide range of age (15 to 64 years old). In Colombia, it has been estimated that 1 of every 3 students has tried marihuana in their life. Additionally, the reported data by 2012 informed that the prevail of 15,2% placed the country in the highest position of cannabis consumption among Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, let along the ease of access to the product: 63% of students have declared no having difficulties to obtain marihuana (PRADICAN 2013).


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