

How to Cite
Pallares Neila, J., & Baile Ayensa, J. (2012). Study of childhood obesity and its relation to body image in a spanish sample. Psychologia, 6(2), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.1180
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Childhood obesity is one of the key risk factors for developing chronic diseases. Its prevention and treatment is a common health policy in many countries. Therefore, the study of childhood obesity and its psychological characteristics should be a priority. This work is a crosssectional study, and it has the general objective to analyse the overweight and obesity in a sample of children and to the extent that such circumstances can affect their body image. It was conducted on 62 children, students from two public schools in towns of the Community of Madrid, with a mean age of 11.53 (SD .73). Three instruments have been used: the Body Dissatisfaction Scale Brief Children (EBICI), The Children’s Body Image Scale (CBIS) and a self-reported anthropometric questionnaire. According to the results, approximately 18% of the sample are overweight or obese, also shown that overweight and obesity affect negatively the social perception and attitude that the children have about own body.



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