Focus and Scope

Psychologia is a biannual scientific journal specialized in the areas of clinical psychology, health psychology, and neuropsychology. The journal only publishes original papers of scientific investigation –where original results of research projects are presented in a detailed manner–, as well as systematic reviews –where results of published and unpublished investigation about a particular area are analyzed and integrated with the goal of presenting advances and developing trends–, and on occasion, critical reflection papers, understood as manuscripts on a specific issue from an author’s analytic, interpretive, or critical perspective. As a scientific journal, all papers are evaluated by peers and their acceptance is determined by the scientific quality of the research, the reviewers’ concept, and the editor’s decision.

Peer Review Process

All submitted papers will be initially screened by the editorial and scientific board of the journal and those articles not complying with the policies, interests, and editorial norms of the journal will be rejected at this phase. Those papers accepted in this initial screening will then be sent to two academic peers with expertise and knowledge in the area, so as to provide feedback and decide on their possible acceptance for publication. This review process is conducted by way of a “double-blind” method, with the aim of warranting objectivity in the evaluation.

Based on the reviewers’ concept, the editorial decision can be, either:

a. Paper acceptance: The paper will be published as is.

b. Accepted with corrections: The paper must undergo minor changes, and once completed by the author(s) corrections will be evaluated by peers once again.

c. Revise and resubmit: The paper must be fully rewritten and resubmitted, such that the whole review process will proceed from the beginning.

d. Rejected: The paper has not been approved for publication in the journal.

The Board reserves the right to accept or not those papers that will be published in each issue of the journal. The acceptance for publication of the paper implies the transfer of copyrights for publishing and distribution in print, electronic and all other media to Universidad de San Buenaventura at Bogota (Colombia).

Publication Frequency

Papers will be published in each issue of the journal, in the months of January and July of each year. In addition, papers that have been accepted but have yet to be printed in a journal issue will be available electronically, under the “Online first” modality.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open, immediate access to its contents, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to promote a higher global exchange of knowledge.

As such, all journal articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA), by which commercial use of the original work or its possible derived works is not allowed, and the distribution thereof must be done with the same license elements regulating the original work.

Ethics of the publication

Psychologia incorporates into its policies, guidelines and guidelines established by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) related to the principle of transparency and best practices for academic publications.
The ethical policies of the publications at the University of San Buenaventura, visible on the Bonaventuriana Editorial page (, are those that regulate the exercise of the journal and it is understood that the authors adhere to them when presenting their documents for consideration for publication.
We understand that ethical practices not only concern the duties of authors, but also involve those involved in the editorial process. Authors have the right to have a fair and impartial evaluation of their originals, a review within a reasonable time, and to be treated with correctness and respect in correspondence with editorial policies.
Authors are requested to avoid practices such as data manipulation, omission or fictitious attribution of authorship, omission of sources consulted, duplicate publication and fragmented publication.