

How to Cite
Moretti, M. P., Lechuga, M. J., & Torrecilla, N. M. (2020). Psychomotor Development in Early Childhood and Family Functionality. Psychologia, 14(2), 37–48. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.4646
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The early psychomotor development was investigated and whether there were significant differences in the various areas of this development according to the maternal perception of family functionality (family cohesion and adaptability). A non-experimental descriptive design was carried out. The sample was comprised of 32 mothers with their children between 12 and 27 months old. Data was collected regarding The Child Development Observation Instrument (IODI), The National Research Test (PRUNAPE) and FACES III. Significant differences between cohesion and adaptability types and areas of development from PRUNAPE (p <.05) and IODI (p <.05) were observed. A more favorable early childhood psychomotor development was observed in the personal social area, as well as in A more favorable early the language and socioemotional area, in those families connected and flexible.


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