

How to Cite
Mejía Hernández, C., Castillo Ramírez, B. L., & Ojeda Lopeda, P. C. (2024). Experiences of sexuality of women diagnosed with gynecological cancer: a holon theory approach. Psychologia, 18(2), 43–54. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.6951
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The research aimed to understand the experiences around sexuality, from the holon theory, in a group of women diagnosed with gynecological cancer from Pereira, Colombia. A qualitative and phenomenological design was carried out, with the participation of six women between 30 and 60 years of age, to whom semi-structured interviews were applied, exploring the holons of reproductivity, gender, eroticism and interpersonal affective bonding. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed manually, using open and axial coding to identify emerging categories. In the women's discourses, elements related to the holons of sexuality were evident. In the holon of reproductivity, a resignification of the reproductive role as mothers was found; in the holon of gender, positive attitudes towards their bodies and threats to gender identity due to the changes caused by the disease were presented; in the holon of eroticism, women reported sexual experiences characterized by pain and erotic support from their partners; and in the holon of affective interpersonal bonding, they reported situations of marital stability, temporary separation from their partners and abusive ties during the process of cancer treatment. These findings show a comprehensive reconfiguration of female sexuality in each of the holons and make a significant contribution to the understanding of women's subjectivities in the process of coping with gynecological cancer. Further research with a larger number of participants and in other regions of Colombia is recommended.



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