Focus and Scope

The Editorial Committee of the journal has defined these types of papers for publication:

- A scientific and technological research paper: It presents original results of finished research projects. It must include an introduction, a methodology, results, and conclusions.

- A reflection paper: It presents the results of a finished piece of research, from the author’s analytical, interpretive, or critical perspective on a specific issue, using original sources.

- A review paper: It is a document, which is the result of a finished piece of research, where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized, or integrated, on a field in science or technology, in order to show the results of advances and tendencies in development. It is characterized by including a careful bibliographical review of at least 50 references.

Papers, which although are not inscribed in these three categories, but the Editorial Committee defines them as “publishable” thanks to their support, structure, and above all, by their special contribution to specific knowledge, to the better understanding of the global, local, sectorial, and environmental issues.

Peer Review Process

In the selection process, the following steps have been defined, in strict order:

- Review and verification of the fulfillment of the criteria defined by the journal, which are stated in the numbers 1 and 2, which implies, we reiterate, the delivery signed of the documents of point number 1.

- It will be verified that the Author has his profile in the Google Scholar system, activated and public.

- Certification of similarities and / or lack of plagiarism, in our case, of the Turnitin System. The Editorial Committee will define in which case the text is returned to make adjustments to the citations. In the event that the percentage of coincidences is high, the Editorial Committee will reject the text.

- Through an arbitration system carried out by two national or international experts, in the different subject areas and external to the Editorial Committee, the papers are examined and selected according to their academic and scientific value, determining in an autonomous way, under the double-blind peer review system.

- Publish it without changes.

- Publish it once the suggested adjustments have been made.

- Reject it.

In case of conflict between both results, the text will be submitted to a third arbitrator, whose decision will define its publication. The results of the process of the academic verdict will not be open to appeal in all cases.

The Editorial Committee, once the previous stages have been fulfilled, and according to the previously announced criteria and those general stated in the journal, determines if the paper or the document submitted, is published or not.

The journal reserves the right to check style, aiming at achieving more clarity and concision of the text.


-          Reception of the article: Once the committee receives the proposition of a text, a first answer of reception and verification of the initial conditions (no later than one week after the reception) is expressed.

-          First answer of exclusion: If the text is not aligned with thematic line chosen for the following two issues of the Journal, if it is not in conformity with its policies, and it does not comply with the formal requirements, the author will be informed that his text was excluded and the reasons why it was (one month after its reception).

-          Review: The authors will be informed that their article was selected in order to start the peer review process under the double-blind peer review system. If it be the case, other authors will be informed that their text will be reviewed for the next edition following the current one; and the reasons for this, will be given, and they will be asked if they agree with waiting (This process will be held just two times a year: April – July for Volume 02 and October – January for Volume 01).

-          Peer review: May for Volume 02 and October for Volume 01.

-          Reception of final adjustments: May for Volume 02 and November for Volume 01.  

-          Final publication: July 1st for Volume 02 and January 1st for Volume 01.

The authors have the right to be confirmed in which state their article is. For this type of inquiries, the only authorized e-mail address is

Publication Frequency


-          Reception of the article: Once the committee receives the proposition of a text, a first answer of reception and verification of the initial conditions (no later than one week after the reception) is expressed.

-          First answer of exclusion: If the text is not aligned with thematic line chosen for the following two issues of the Journal, if it is not in conformity with its policies, and it does not comply with the formal requirements, the author will be informed that his text was excluded and the reasons why it was (one month after its reception).

-          Review: The authors will be informed that their article was selected in order to start the peer review process under the double-blind peer review system. If it be the case, other authors will be informed that their text will be reviewed for the next edition following the current one; and the reasons for this, will be given, and they will be asked if they agree with waiting (This process will be held just two times a year: April – July for Volume 02 and October – January for Volume 01).

-          Peer review: May for Volume 02 and October for Volume 01.

-          Reception of final adjustments: May for Volume 02 and November for Volume 01.  

-          Final publication: July 1st for Volume 02 and January 1st for Volume 01.

The authors have the right to be confirmed in which state their article is. For this type of inquiries, the only authorized e-mail address is - 

Open Access Policy

The USB Agora Magazine provides open access to all its contents, likewise, joins the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - SinDerivar 4.0 International (CC BY - NC - ND 4.0)

You can use our content under the following terms:

Attribution - You must give credit to this work properly, providing a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You can do this in any reasonable manner, but not in a way to suggest that you use or have the support of the licensor.

NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

No Derive - If you mix, transform, or build new material from this work, you may not distribute the modified material.

What is USB Agora Magazine?

Agora magazine The USB is a serial open access to scientific, critical and analytical nature in the area of social sciences. For 16 years it has been consolidating as a magazine with Latin American perspective, giving emphasis on research meaningful, contextual and purposive.

Processing and shipping costs Item

The USB Agora Magazine states:

It does not have any type of charge, for the evaluation of articles and also, by publishing them.

Audience that the magazine is directed

The USB Agora Magazine defined as target audience:

- Teachers in the area of social sciences.

- Social researchers.

- Students of doctoral, masters and undergraduate programs.

Ethical principles

The USB Agora Magazine has defined the following ethical principles:

- Plagiarism is NOT an ethical conduct and it can be penalized legally.

- The authors should not submit their texts for Editorial review to more than one journal concurrently.

- Sending incomplete or unfinished documents is clearly wrong.

- It is important to include the total number of authors, with their corresponding details and email contact information.

- It is important to mention in a footnote, the source research of the text, participating institutions, and / or if it be the case, the source of funding of their writing.

- If you make use of data collected by somebody else, check that you have the permission to use them in your paper.

- The citations must match those that you really used in the writing of your text, which must be reflected in the body of the text.

The disputes, which could arise over the authorship or co-authorship, or those, which could derive from an already published text, will be taken, if it is worth it, to the Regional General Saint Bonaventure University Editorial Board, and if it be the case, to the National Saint Bonaventure University Editorial Board, and the support of the Bioethical Committee of Saint Bonaventure University will be sought. In such instances, the case will be studied and a decision will be made, which would imply the temporary or preventive removal of the text from the Open Journal System of the Journal. Once the news is given by the Bioethical Committee and if it is shown that there was some kind of irregularity, it will be asked to the Editorial of the Journal the temporary removal of the Open Journal System and the procedure of the removal of the Bibliographical Bases of that text. Likewise, a warning notice about the irregularity in the Physical Volume to be published will be made public, approaching the date in which the decision was made. In the case of the digital version, in the space of the volume, where the text in dispute, is found, in the Open Journal System.

Databases, Directories and indexing systems where the magazine is

The USB Agora magazine is classified by the national bibliographic index of Colombia as magazine-type a2 social sciences.

fair , equitable, plurals based on the Franciscan principles of brotherhood, joy, commensality, welcome, solidarity, respect and reverence for nature, respect for difference and for the environment, power understood as supportive service, search a society built on valuation scales themselves, human, in harmony with the environment.