

How to Cite
Gentile, M. B. (2015). Memory and history. challenges to the forgotten political practices in latin america. Ágora USB, 15(2), 363–374. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.1619
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Memory and oblivion have been, since the emergence of our species in this world, signifiers that named the great challenge of symbolic survival in the world of life. It is the constant struggle to record not only our own existence, but a way to move it, build it and live it, thus exorcising the ghost of oblivion; because oblivion is the enemy of life itself, it is the name of the lost experience. What would become of us if we forget experiences - beyond their beauty or pain—and the learning that, many times with great effort, we have stepped into this entanglement between the human species and the passing of time?



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