

How to Cite
Houtart, F. (2014). Of the common good to the common good of humanity. Ágora USB, 14(1), 259–293. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.215
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 There is no place in the world, where a deep discomfort manifests against the increase of the social gaps, to the disrespect for justice, to the unemployment of young people, the abuse of power, and the destruction of nature. A new wave of social movements has been developed. The social forums allowed its globalization. A collective social conscience grows: we cannot continue like this. The kind of economic development that we go thorough today, with its political, psychological, and cultural consequences is the source of the imbalances. At the same time, the need for solutions is essential urgently. It is time to consider new directions and not only adaptations. Gathering forces to act and to think for this purpose, is a priority. This is why, along with the initiative of the Referendum on the water (one of the Common Good) in Italy, the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation made the decision to organize a Conference on the concept of the Common Good of Humanity, to promote a reflection on the links between the two concepts and to integrate the demands and social struggles for a change of society, scenario in which this article is framed.



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