

How to Cite
Meneses Ariza, J. R., & Herrera Riveros, A. (2012). Prevalence of manifestations of aggression in students of educational institutions in the city of armenia, Quindío. Ágora USB, 12(1), 77–87. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.224
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This research aims “to establish the indices of prevalence of the manifestations of aggression in the student population of both public and private institutions in the city of Armenia.” The sample is made up of 183 teachers from private schools and 395 teachers from public schools for a total of 578. Among the most relevant results are that manifestations of aggression in students increased significantly from 2006 to 2009. The age of onset of manifestations of aggression is decreasing less and less, locating itself in between 6-7 years. Teachers attribute the manifestations of aggression especially to family situations and the influence of the media. This research of research contributes significantly to the development of new research because the results can be taken into account in order to recognize and to identify the problems of the youth in the State of Quindío.



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