

How to Cite
Velásquez, C. (2014). Community diagnosis of the villa turbay neighborhood, commune 8 in Medellín. Ágora USB, 14(1), 97–125. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.2600
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This article presents the results of a community survey in the Villa Turbay
neighborhood in the city of Medellin. The objective was to carry out a study not
only to know the reality, but also to contribute to its transformation. In this
research process, the community participated both in its formulation and analysis
of information; as well as its final product., which were taken as being important
input in the construction of an Alternative Plan of Neighborhood Development as
for the next reformulation of Territorial Development Plans that will define the
direction to follow regarding the use of the soil and its cultural relationships in the
city of Medellin.



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DIAGNÓSTICO COMUNITARIO BARRIO VILLA TURBAY, COMUNA 8 DE MEDELLÍN. AGO.USB Medellín-Colombia V. 14 No 1 PP. 1- 325 Enero - Junio 2014 ISSN: 1657-8031 125

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