

How to Cite
Marín, C., Londoño, N., Juárez, F., Giraldo, F., & Ramírez, V. (2010). Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Psycho-social Tensors in Outpatients in Psychology at Saint Bonaventure University, Medellin – Colombia. Ágora USB, 10(1), 19–35. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.362
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The objective of this study was to strengthen the prevalence of mental disorders and psycho-social tensors in outpatients in psychology at Saint Bonaventure University, Medellin - Colombia. In the study, 106 users took part in it (35.8% men and 64% women) with an average age of 26.8 years, who were given the neuropsychiatric international interview (Scheehan and Lecrubier, 1998) and the assessment format of the Axis IV of the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2002). The disorders of major prevalence were risk of suicide (28.30%), past major depression (26.41%) and current major depression (20.75%), depression with melancholy (15.10%), disorders due to the use of non-alcoholic substances (15.09%) , anguish disorder (14.15%), generalized anxiety (13.20%), past hypomania (12.26%), social phobia (10.37%), and abuse and dependence of alcohol (10.37%). The related psycho-social tensors were the issues referring to the primary group (47.8%), the social ambiance (39.1%) and teaching-related problems (13%).



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