

How to Cite
Castañeda Sánchez, C. A., Restrepo Bedoya, J. C., & Vallejo Morán, L. A. (2023). Vulnerable Microenterprise Sector to the Occupational Safety and Health Management System: A Methodology for Bridging the Gap. Ágora USB, 23(2), 647–660. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.6070
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The Occupational Safety and Health Management System is not only a legal requirement in Colombia, but it is also a strategic necessity for companies to achieve higher quality and productivity in the market. In addition, for the country, it is vital for the promotion of health and the reduction of economic losses related to sick leave due to accidents at work and occupational diseases. However, the reality is that the costs of this are seen as a burden for many businessmen and the lack of knowledge regarding its benefits make it not to be implemented in most companies, mainly in those recognized as MSMEs, which leads to a higher degree of vulnerability when exposing their workers to labor activities in different work environments, Therefore, this article analyzes six models used at international level and a seventh model with the methodology proposed by the Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho for the design of the SG-SST through its Environmental Health and Productivity Research Group –GISAP – and the –SEGSST– Occupational Safety and Health Management Hotbed, which is based on scientific grounds, but which aims to be accessible to micro-entrepreneurs, and thus, bridge the vulnerability gap raised.



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Vallejo Morán, L, Restrepo Bedoya, J, López Villalobos, I y Castañeda Sánchez, C. (2022). Salud laboral, ambiental y SG-SST. Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho. Obtenido de https://repositorio.uniajc.edu.co/handle/uniajc/1438


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