

How to Cite
Villalobos Valencia, M. E., Pacca, L., Florez Rivera, Y. M., & Sánchez Fernandez, N. (2023). The Place of Voice in the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder •ADS•. Ágora USB, 23(2), 671–683. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.6117
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The purpose of this article is to share the discussion on the fundamental role of the constitutive elements of the voice in the diagnostic processes and therapeutic proposals related to ASD. Elements found in the study “Development of clinical protocol for early diagnosis of autism” ((Villalobos & Pacca, 2021). The cases, Vera & Saul, are taken up again to illustrate the place of voice and speech in intersubjective development. From these cases, the scope and limitations of some tests for the diagnosis of ASD when evaluating communicative indicators become evident. Given that voice and speech bear the imprint of each person’s subjectivity, considering their analysis becomes relevant in the comprehensive diagnosis of ASD, as it complements the diagnostic observation proposed by the main tests worldwide recognized for this developmental problem, such as –ADOS-2– Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale-2



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