

How to Cite
Robledo Marin, C. A., & Orejuela Gomez, J. J. (2023). Implications of Life Prolongation in Old Age Por:. Ágora USB, 23(2), 661–670. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.6386
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The current scientific and technological development, which has made it possible to increase life span in healthy conditions, has led to a reconfiguration of life and old age. This has raised new questions about the meaning of this extended life. The article analyzes how, through youthfulness and consumerism, the ideal of eternal youth has been enthroned, by denigrating old age, medicalizing life, and creating an obsession with cosmetics and aesthetics. Ultimately, it is evident that the search for the abolition of old age responds to the attempt to dissolve death.



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