

How to Cite
Muñoz Gaviria, G. A., Muñoz Gaviria , E. A., & Arango Salazar , C. (2024). Public Policy Analysis and Controversies, a Research Agenda. Ágora USB, 24(1), 127–143. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.6822
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This text proposes theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of a framework for the analysis of public policies, based on an understanding of the actions of political stakeholders and the mechanisms that enable or hinder their critical capacity and the achievement of their interests. To this end, it is proposed to the Public Administration to configure a line of research that problematizes the influence of the political economy of the State in each of the stages of formulation and implementation of public policies, by means of the comprehensive method developed by the French school of pragmatic sociology.



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