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From the beginning, the regionalization system of the Universidad del Valle was aimed at expanding educational coverage. This study reveals an unexpected finding in this system: the unintentional configuration of spaces, which promote multi- and interdisciplinary interaction among professors. Through interviews with 17 professors appointed at regional headquarters, we analyze how this context is giving rise to emerging academic identities,
which transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. Faculty value these spaces for dialogue positively, although institutional barriers persist, such as the low number of full-time faculty and the lack of policies, which encourage collaborative research. The physical and organizational structure of the regional headquarters currently provides, unexpectedly, the breeding ground for the development of innovative approaches in the academy. This finding suggests the need for changes in university policy in order to take advantage of these emerging opportunities, by removing barriers and fostering knowledge integration. The study highlights the transformative potential of these dynamics in knowledge production and in the shaping of new academic identities within the regionalized university system.
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