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The term “research” derives from the Latin word “vestigium,” which is translated as “trace on the path,” by suggesting the need to retrace previous steps in order to validate acquired knowledge. Initially, research focused on history, by exploring past events in order to understand the present. Over time, various philosophical and methodological approaches have guided this process, from empiricism to the hypothetico-deductive scientific method. Contemporary methodology encompasses steps, such as observation, problem identification, hypothesis formulation, testing, refutation, and conclusion. Nevertheless, research continues to be dynamic, by allowing constant evolution and adaptation. Along the same lines, the social sciences have been highlighting the importance of understanding reality from different perspectives. They are classified according to their object, form of measurement, methodology, and approach, by including strategies, such as phenomenology, documentary research, and oral history. Also, by exploring participatory and mobilizing approaches, such as participatory action research (PAR) and systematization of experiences. The study also explored participatory and mobilizing approaches, such as participatory action research (PAR) and systematization of experiences, by taking into account the need to establish horizontal dialogues between subjects and the importance of questioning and transforming social realities through research. In order to approach this work, a methodology of bibliographic review and content analysis, was used to approach diverse strategies and research approaches in the social sciences.
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