

How to Cite
Quintana Pérez, B. V. (2019). Desarrollo humano sostenible, post acuerdo de paz y Estado social de derecho: “Balances y estrategias en la era del postconflicto colombiano bajo la mirada de la cooperación internacional”. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 6(2), 6–16. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4545
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The concept of Sustainable Human Development is immersed in the will of the Colombian Constituent, which establishes in the Preamble of the Political Charter, the State as the main guarantor to promote the welfare of citizens. However, why the inhabitants of the Colombian territory suffer daily from inequality, social inequality and lack of access to justice? The answers that have been raised to this question are diverse, because causes are attributed from different perspectives.

Faced with such realities through this research, a critical investigation with a reflexive nature, based on a monographic scope, characterized by being classified in the type of exploratory research and under the qualitative approach, allowing to confront the social, political, economic reality with the factors existential knowledge of the object: peace agreements in Colombia. Consequently, the results obtained determine the strategies to be carried out by the Colombian State in matters of International Cooperation under the new challenges imposed by the aforementioned agreement.


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