

How to Cite
Vaggi, G. (2016). Making the Sustainable Development Goals Work. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 3(2), 34–58. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.2778
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The achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN General Assembly in 2015 will depend on whether or not the last goal, “global partnership for sustainable development,” will work. The paper suggests that the leading principle for effective global partnership should be the rebalancing of the negotiating power of the different stakeholders. Section I briefly sketches some changes to the notion of development and of cooperation since 1950. Section
II describes the process which has led to the SDGs and to the idea of cooperation as a global partnership. Section III focuses on two major economic changes which have taken place since the seventies: economic growth in Asia and the rise of international finance. Both of which have huge implications for the SDGs and for global partnership. Section IV presents three steps which could help to implement “global partnership for development” according to the principle of rebalancing.
Developing countries need more policy space especially in their trade and fiscal policies.



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