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This article presents the results of a qualitative research carried out between the months of January to May 2021, using the case study methodology, to analyze the operation of International Cooperation for Development projects, oriented to Food Security, through of urban agriculture, with population from vulnerable areas of the city of Cartagena de Indias - Colombia, financed by a Swiss NGO, in the period 2015-2019 and implemented by a Colombian NGO.
The results of the project under study help to specify the role of International Development Cooperation, the state of food security (SA), the characteristics of urban agriculture (AU), the local socioeconomic context, social participation, as well as the strengths, difficulties and recommendations for the IDC, recognizing the success factors of the project and the need to ensure that its dimension of greater access to SA remains over time.
Keywords: International Cooperation; Food Security; Agriculture; urban population; social participation.
The results specify the role of the CID, the state of food security, the characteristics of urban agriculture, the socioeconomic context, the gender approach, the participation of farmers, as well as the strengths, difficulties and recommendations to the CID. recognizing the success factors of the project and the need for the access dimension to remain in time, with a possible risk to the food security of vulnerable populations.
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