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Pérez-Pineda, J. A., & Pintor Pirzkall, H. C. (2024). Autonomous Communities and Child Labor in the Period 2018-2022: the Relevance of Political Orientation in its Application . Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 11(2), 34–54. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.7143

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The 2030 Agenda is a reference framework for the actions of various actors committed to sustainable development, such as national and subnational states and international cooperation. Taking this as a reference, this article aims to analyze the role of development cooperation of the Spanish Autonomous Communities in their contribution to child labor, and as such, to the Sustainable Development Goals. The work focuses on the review of programmatic documents and relevant literature on the subject to find out the relevance of child labor according to the Community and its political orientation. Among the main findings, there are two: it is identified that not all autonomous communities are equally interested in child labor and that those communities with liberal governments tend to contribute fewer resources to this type of issues. 



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